- Practice consists primarily of servicing entities with business ties to Israel. The firm
provides creative and sound business advice to help its clients achieve their objectives
at every phase of their development. The firm works throughout the year to:
- Provide strong financial support to supplement internal capabilities.
- Identify business and tax planning opportunities.
- Help with areas that impact clients' profitability, efficiency and
The firm's engagements include:
- Audit (and Review) engagements of annual and interim financial
- Tax engagements to prepare corporate and individual tax returns.
- Advisory services.
- Investigative accounting and due diligence procedures.
Services include, inter alia:
- Review and analyses of corporate financial statements.
- Review of correspondence with customers, vendors and governmental
- Assistance to legal team in all phases from discovery through trial in
litigation support consulting services.
- Research and compilation of industry information.
- Research of accounting, auditing and tax issues.
- Comparison of industry information to the company's performance.
- Restructuring of financial information.
- Preparation of schedules and exhibits for court presentation, including
graphical presentations.
- Designing computerized databases to control and maintain documents.